10 Reasons to Learn Digital Marketing in 2022

10 Reasons to Learn Digital Marketing in 2022

Read this article to find out 10 reasons to learn digital marketing in 2022. In recent years,  significant progress has been made in this area, demonstrating the value of digital marketing readiness. Higher payroll packages, big goals, and secure work profiles are the most important benefits of a digital marketing career.  

But first, find out what digital marketing is and what are its type &  how it works. In short, it’s an internet-based component that can create or promote the visibility of a product or service for interested customers.  You can also learn more about digital marketing by joining an online digital marketing course available on the internet today. Master your skills in digital marketing by learning from the experts of digital marketing.

Companies use digital platforms such as social media, email, search engines, and websites to communicate with prospects and current customers. Spreads are widening day by day. Digital marketing is increasingly being used to spread advertising faster and reduce costs. 

With the steady increase in Internet users worldwide, many online / web-based industries are multiplying. This requires the need for digital marketing. This article describes the top 10  reasons to learn digital marketing in 2022 and why you should consider it as your career. The  article discusses the below points in brief 

• The importance of digital marketing 

• Digital marketing trends 

• Main reasons to learn digital marketing in 2022 

Let’s start! 

I) The Importance of Digital Marketing 

Technology will continue to drive business in the 21st century, and it is imperative to master digital marketing techniques. Now, you know digital marketing as a medium to promote your product and your business. How important do you think digital marketing is in today’s world? Note a few crucial points that contribute to the importance of digital marketing. 

• Today’s marketing strategies rely entirely on digital marketing. 

• An increase in sales leads to an increase in sales. 

• It helps you brand your business. 

• Easily know your marketing channels.

• Digital marketing helps you build better relationships with your customers/prospects. 

• Improved ROI (return on investment). 

• There is a wide range of dynamic career opportunities. 

• It helps your company appear on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). These are some of the notable benefits of having a digital marketing team in your company.  Let’s take this a step further with this article on the top 10 reasons to learn digital marketing in  2022 and understand the latest market trends in this area. 

II) Digital Marketing Trends  

Digital marketing is expected to grow to a total of US $118 billion by 2022. According to statistics, marketing traffic in India is expected to grow 291 times faster than in 2005. When it comes to digital marketing channels, 22% of the world’s population uses Facebook. And 51%  of Instagram users are there every day. The current trends in the digital marketing industry are: 

• Artificial intelligence 

“Artificial intelligence is the largest commercial opportunity for businesses, industries, and  nations and will increase global GDP by up to 14% by 2030.” Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered state-of-the-art technology and has many uses in marketing. They are used for content marketing, advertising, and customer service. 

• Chatbot 

Chatbots will grow to 85% by 2022. This AI-based technology uses instant messaging to chat with website visitors or customers in real-time. This saves companies more than $ 8 billion 

annually. That’s a considerable amount! Many people worldwide prefer chatbots as a  responsive platform for 24/7 support. Most importantly, the answer is specific about your entire purchase history. However, they are often used to answer simple questions or help users complete simple tasks. 

• Video marketing 

Video marketing is one of the most famous and essential marketing trends today and is expected to continue for 5-10 years. Also noteworthy is that 70% of consumers say they know their brand by watching brand promotion videos on various marketing channels. In addition,  52% of consumers say watching product videos gives them confidence in their online purchasing decisions. 

Interesting Information: By 2022, marketing videos alone will account for more than 85% of all consumer internet traffic globally, most of which is video. 

YouTube isn’t the only way to get traffic when it comes to video marketing. There are many ways to increase video marketing engagement. You can post small videos or start live broadcasts on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

• Augmented reality and virtual reality marketing 

Augmented reality advertising is one of the primary uses of marketers. This allows you to incorporate a static or unrealistic environment that integrates offers into the buyer’s reality. This trend is one of the top highlights of 2022. According to Statista, the global AR and VR  market is expected to reach US $ 209.2 billion in just four years. 

• Voice search 

Alexa, find the best restaurant near me! You can see how simple our life is! And when it comes to statistics, 111.8 million people in the United States use voice assistants in a week. In addition,  about 31% of smartphone users worldwide use voice-launched searches such as Siri and Alexa. 

By 2022, 50% of all inquiries will be voice-based. Organizations should always focus on marketing efforts to use language engine optimization. This helps educate your target audience using keywords in your voice queries. We will also focus on long-tail keywords. This is because the seeker is likely to be more specific when asking questions. 

Here we arrive at the most exciting part of this article. What are the Top 10 Reasons to Learn Digital Marketing in 2022? With these 10 reasons, you should also know how to start a digital marketing career in India?. Is there anything special about it? Let’s take a look! 

III) Top 10 Reasons to Learn Digital Marketing in 2022 

1. Digital market growth is rising 

Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving technology, and statistics also show that employment opportunities in this area are overgrowing. By the end of 2022, approximately 150,000 jobs will be created. 

Note: India alone is expected to grow by about 12% in 2016, 14% in 2017-18 and about 24%  -37% by 2020-2022. From the 1990s to the present, digital marketing has accounted for almost half of life and technology trends. 

2. Opportunities for diverse careers 

Digital marketing gives you great freedom and lots of work options in front of you. Recent reports also show that Indeed.com, a well-known job portal, has over 75,000 jobs. This area is in great demand as many digital marketers start with $ 45,000 or more salaries. 

In contrast to other areas, digital marketing offers many possibilities. Not only in terms of work but also as a freelance digital marketer, you can make incredible amounts of money. As 

digital marketing evolves, it offers new students and experienced professionals many opportunities. 

3. Quickly start a new creative business project

You can easily create your projects using prevalent platforms such as YouTube, blogging, and affiliate marketing. These are part of digital marketing. 

Once you understand how this works, you’ll know where to invest, which marketing channels to use to reach your target audience and more. In addition, you will have sufficient knowledge about optimizing your blog and the marketing channels you have chosen for your audience to find you. 

4. Generate leads from the digital sales funnel 

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn play a role in delivering good traffic to your website. These apps also help promote your product. When users visit a  website, they crawl more than the web page they see. When they leave the page where you landed them, you probably lose the contacts of that potential customer that you might have to follow up with. 

5. Quickly increase traffic from the digital market to your website

You can’t go back after you’ve shifted your focus to digital marketing. The reason for this is that creating a website and informing your target market about your product/service is a time-consuming process, and digital marketing makes it simple! Digital marketing is critical for driving quality traffic to your website. 

6. Digital Skill Gap 

There is a great need for people with digital skills, especially soft skills for the low-income group. So, even if you’re not a complete tech geek, stick to your ongoing reach in this area and look at the foreseeable future of digital marketing. The skill gap is the difference between the skills you need to do your job and the skills you have. The qualification gap is responsible for you cannot perform the entire job. You can expand your knowledge of trending technology by using digital marketing. 

7. Versatility

Mastering the critical skills of a digital marketer role will teach you a wide range of skills. This makes it easy to change focus later if you decide to switch to another area of expertise. If you choose to pursue a career path or discipline in digital marketing and decide to switch later, you may need a little training to make the switch. 

You could also work in any of the digital marketing domains. This can keep your skills sharp and your work enjoyable. In this sense, you can upgrade existing skills while still learning new ones but still staying in the same field. In this sector, where diverse talents fit together in different ways, there are many options and chances for continued development. 

8. Digital marketing is evolving

Digital marketing is one area where you can learn and pursue something new. They will find it exciting and give you the freedom to be more creative when creating a marketing plan. It helps whether you lead these initiatives. 

Due to the wide variety of specialists in a particular institution, we may be working with experts from different backgrounds and new strategies. 

9. It helps you stay one step ahead of the competition

It is imperative to customize digital marketing for your business. In this way, you also learn about the interests of your own company and your prospects. Even if you create good content and beautify your website, you may not get enough leads. This may be due to an unknown market trend. 

If you don’t know the current market trends and adapt them to your company, developing a digital marketing strategy won’t be easy. Therefore, digital marketing is one way to stay one step ahead of the competition. 

10. Authentication 

Digital marketing certificates will help you get better job opportunities in this area. Also, 60%  of experts believe that online certification has dramatically helped them master this fantastic technology. But generally, Digital marketing is a space that does not require degrees to be eligible for a job. The one thing that matters the most is skills—the more excellent the skills of a digital marketer, the more significant opportunities they have. Digital marketing is all about skills, authentication is an ad on, and any job interview for a marketer position is judged on their abilities and not their certificates.

Also, Digital Scholar not only offers a digital marketing course in Chennai but it is also available all over the world. 

This course will learn about content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing,  mobile marketing, SEO, and digital campaigns. In addition, at the end of each session, you will be given assignments to increase your chances of actual use and assist in the hiring process.  With this information on why you should choose digital marketing, you are certainly in a  position to have a great future in this area.  


This course is one of the most relevant platforms for business development.  Therefore, companies are increasingly hiring qualified professionals for digital marketing.  Through innumerable digital and social channel advertising, you will meet millions of customers for your products and services every day. In addition, digital marketing certification courses are widely recognized in the modern industry.  

This concludes this article on “Top 10 Reasons to Learn Digital Marketing in 2022”. I hope you are clear about the issues discussed. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us in the comments section. We will reply to you back in the comments section. Suppose you want to sign up for an entire course of digital marketing. In that case, Digital Scholar is specially curated to help you gain expertise in various digital media aspects such as keyword planning,  SEO, social media marketing, and search engines. 3 Months Program Offers Marketing, Email  Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Google Analytics, and the list continues.

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