Basic On Page SEO Elements That Improve Google Rankings

Basic On Page SEO Elements That Improve Google Rankings

Do you have any idea that Google keeps on changing its algorithm with an average of 500 to 600 times per year? 

The next question that might be buzzing into your mind is, “but, why did Google do this?”

Well, Google has a user-centric approach, and to always show the best results to its users, Google has to keep on changing or better yet keep upgrading.  

And this is not all. 

You will be shocked to know that in 2020, Google conducted over 6,00,00 experiments and updated its algorithm more than 4500 times. 

You see the determination to provide a user-friendly environment, Google may give a stubborn vibe.

But despite these constant updates, Google always tries to understand new content and this is exactly where Search Engine Optimization comes in. 

The on-page SEO helps Google better understand your website and rank accordingly and if everything goes well, it can even drive high organic traffic to your website. 

If you are eager to know about Search Engine Optimization and its other factors, you can check out the blog, SEO Periodic table and find out the other important factors that matter to Google.  

In this blog, I am going to talk about some basic On Page SEO Elements that help in improving your Google rankings. 

1. Content Enhancement 

Of course, the first thing you need to pay attention to is your site’s written content. 

This is the advertisement and engagement feature of your website that compels your audience to convert into paying customers. 

You have to make sure that each page of your site focuses on providing VALUE to your visitors. 

The content on your website is the most important factor that makes your website worthy for coming into SERP(Search Engine Results Page). 

That’s why it is most important to create good and keep a check on plagiarized content and better remove it. 

With this out of the way,  you might be wondering what is good content as per SEO?

Good content is made of two things: An evergreen topic and its optimized page. 

You can use Google trends to check the trends of the content if you want to know whether your topic is evergreen or not.

And here’s what an optimized page looks like, look at the illustrative picture below:

This kind of puts every opinion on good content into view.

2. Use Keywords In Title Tags  

The title tag is the title of your web page used by search engines to determine what your page is all about.

Make use of the exact keywords that your page is targeting, because Google counts it as a tiny ranking factor.

For example, if your keyword is, “Important SEO tips.”

Then you need to add this keyword into your title too. Like these On-page SEO tips for beginners

This would help your page rank higher in search results and makes it simple for your targeted audience to find you.

Similarly in the blog given below the primary keyword is NFT marketing and so they made a title “An Ultimate Guide To NFT Marketing”

So, it is easy for Google to rank the page and also makes it easy for people to find it.

For specific and ranking keywords, you can use tools like Ahrefs to find keywords for your website content. The tools will not only help you find the keywords for Title tags but also to write content for your blog. 

3. Optimize The Page URLs 

URLs are important for both SEO and user experience. 


Because every webpage generates a unique URL, you need to make efforts to use the right keywords that you are trying to rank for.

Believe me, this makes it easy for Google to rank your page and people to find it too.

Let me give an example.

In the image below, you can see that I searched for headphones and this page pops up.

If you closely see the URL here they have properly mentioned the product name that is JBL noise cancellation headphones within their URL.

Similarly, your blog page should also have the proper keyword mentioned in the URL.

Like in this blog “An Ultimate Guide To NFT Marketing”, the focused keyword is NFT marketing, and the same is added in the URL. 

4. Optimization Of Alt Text 

Image ‘Alt text’ is very important as it is the description behind the image that is displayed behind the visual elements.


Let me make it more clear for you! 

Alt text (alternative text) is used in HTML code to explain the appearance and function of an image on a website. It is sometimes known as “alt attributes,” “alt descriptions,” or technically wrong as “alt tags.”

Alt text also helps in more than just “alt attributes”. 

Let’s say a photo doesn’t load properly, even when your webpage has loaded fully.

What your alt text does is, it would take its place, so that the viewer still understands your efforts of helping them.

Secondly, search engine crawlers use alt text to provide better picture context/descriptions, assisting them incorrectly indexing an image.

Keep one thing in mind that your alt text should be accurate or specific because it represents your business. 

Let me show you an example of Alt Text within the codes of a webpage that is a replacement when the picture is unable to load or is taking more time.

The highlighted text shows the alt text (alt attribute) of the image at the left.

Now, let’s see some of the ways to write good image Alt text. 

– Describe the image as specifically as possible. Don’t add unnecessary information. 

– Keep your Alt text at around 125 characters. So, it is advisable to keep it to that.   

– Include keywords but don’t do keyword stuffing.

– Add the code ‘longdesc’ for the long description of the images. 

That’s all for Alt text. Just apply them to your webpage because it creates a good impression on your customers.

5. Meta Description 

A meta description is an HTML element that gives a quick overview of a web page. 

Your meta description tag appears in a search engine results page (SERP) as a part of the search snippet and is intended to provide the user an idea of the material on your page and how it relates to their search query.

The role of meta description in raising the CTR is one of the key reasons why it is still so important today. 

You know what, even though Google asserts that the meta description has no direct impact on SERP rankings, there is undoubtedly an indirect advantage.

Your meta description on the page can get you more and more clicks on the web page. 

The meta description code looks like that behind the website. Here’s the example of HTML Code:


<meta name=”description” content=”This is an example of a

meta description. This will often show up in search results.”>


You can take a meta description as a mini Ad for your page, offering a preview of the page content.

See the image below and you will understand how I used the meta description as a mini Ad for my blog. 

A well-written meta description can easily increase the CTR and enhance the ranking of your website. 

6. Web Page Speed Optimization 

Page speed is a measurement of how quickly your page’s content loads. 

Page speed is sometimes mistaken with “site speed,” which is the page speed for a random sample of a site’s page visits.

Page speed is measured in “page load time” (the time it takes for a page to completely show its content) or “time to first byte” (how long it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from the webserver).

Any website owner should prioritize web page performance optimization. Your site’s speed has a significant influence on its SEO (search engine optimization) and bounce rate. 

Bounce rates are computed by dividing the total number of page sessions on your website by the number of single-page sessions of zero seconds. 

As you can see, a large number of zero-second page views indicates that visitors aren’t willing to wait for your site to load before leaving.

The following elements should be considered for good page load speed optimization:

A Minimization of file sizes 

B The effectiveness of the web host 

C The usage of programs like Flash. 

D Themes and designs that are overly intricate 

E Embedded material, such as movies retrieved from a different website 

F Widget usage is high.

G Images that haven’t been optimized 

7. Core Web Vitals 

Google’s Core Web Vitals are a set of standardized metrics that developers may use to analyze how consumers interact with a web page. 

While Core Web Vitals were designed for developers, anybody who owns a website may benefit from these tools since they break down the user’s real-world experience on a page.

Core Web Vitals detects user experience concerns by calculating a measure for each of the three main elements of user experience: 

– The speed with which the page loads 

– Interaction simplicity 

– From the user’s perspective, the visual stability of a page 

Then comes the 3 parts of Core Web Vitals:

The time it takes for distinct content blocks to load into the user viewport is measured by LCP (current screen). This statistic solely considers the speed with which content sections display on the visible screen; nothing below the fold is taken into account. 

A Images 

B Images from video posters 

C Images for the background 

D Text at the block level 

Owners of websites should strive for LCP within 2.5 seconds of page loading.

CLS compares the beginning positions of components in the viewable viewport that are displayed between two frames. 

This indicator, in simple words, helps site owners in determining whether the material such as text, buttons, and banners are moved around or not when a person reads information on a particular page. 

Because this can lead to users becoming confused, therefore it is critical to ensure all information remains in place once the page has loaded on the user’s device. 

CLS considers various aspects when determining the visual stability of a website from the standpoint of a user: 

– Changes in the layout 

– The percentage of people that are affected 

– Fraction of a mile 

– A CLS of 0.1 or less is recommended for site owners.

These loading element inputs from a user and FID determine the responsiveness of a page. implying FID is only useful to capture events such as keystrokes and clicks. 

Site owners should strive for FIDs of less than 100 milliseconds to ensure a decent user experience. 

It’s worth noting that FID is tough to measure and could only be performed in the field. This implies that factors outside your control, such as user device capabilities and Internet speeds as perceived by your audience could affect your score.

8. Duplicate Content 

Content that is available on many URLs on the internet is referred to as duplicate content. Because many URLs display the same information, search engines are unable to determine which URL should appear higher in the search results. 

As a result, they may lower your rank of content and its URLs. For you, this means your competitor’s web pages are gaining priority.

Now, the ways to fix duplicate content issues 

A) 301 Redirect 

Setting up a 301 redirect from the “duplicate” website to the original content page is often the best strategy to fight duplicate material. 

When many sites with good ranking potential are consolidated into a single page, they not only stop competing with each other but also provide a stronger relevance and popularity signal overall.

This could improve the ability of the “right” page to rank highly.

B) Rel=”canonical”

The rel=canonical property is another approach for dealing with duplicate material.

This instructs search engines such as Google to consider a particular page as if it were a clone of a specified URL.

And give all its links, content metrics, and ranking power to the supplied URL, that the search engine is directed to.


We discussed some of the basic On Page SEO Elements that improve Google rankings. 

The factors that I have discussed above would help you in ranking your website higher than before if you only understand how to fix them and update them regularly. 

The methods may seem difficult but they are not. You can easily fix these problems by reading this blog and making your website better. 

And of course, On-page SEO is very important when it comes to ranking the website. 

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