What is Search Engine Optimization and Types of SEO?

What is Search Engine Optimization and Types of SEO?

As discussed in the previous blog, we have given a clear idea of digital marketing. Now we are going to discuss What is Search Engine Optimization?. Here you will get in-depth knowledge about Search Engine Optimization and Types of SEO.

Search Engine Optimization is a technique to optimize a web page to rank higher on Search Engine Result Pages on a specific keyword. In other words, it is a technique to get organic or natural traffic from search engines to your website.

Prerequisites to Understand SEO

If you want to learn Search Engine Optimization Completely, then you must have clear idea of following terms:

  • Keyword – These are groups of words which are searched by the users on a search engine.
  • Organic Traffic – It is the number of users that come from search engines to your website without indulging in any paid activity. In simple words, Organic traffic is free traffic or natural traffic generated from search engines.

Types of SEO Strategies

There are 4 types of SEO strategies:

1. White Hat SEO

This strategy functions within the rules and expectations of Search Engines. In White Hat SEO You need to follow search engine guidelines. You need to stick on White Hat SEO, if you want long term benefits.

2. Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is just the opposite of White Hat. When SEO professionals break rules of search engine guidelines by finding any loopholes in ranking algorithms, this type of practice is called Black Hat SEO. Such type of practice can gain short term profit only.

3. Gray Hat SEO

It is the mix approach of both Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO. Gray Hat SEO is the most used SEO Strategy. 

4. Negative SEO

The aim of Negative SEO is to harm other sites for personal growth. This is not an ethical way to practice. This is all about 4 strategies of SEO. Now we can say that, White Hat SEO is always preferable among all the strategies.

What are the Types of SEO Techniques?

Now we are moving towards the Types of SEO Techniques. There are 3 main types of SEO Techniques present, which are explained below:

1. ON Page SEO

As by name, it is clearly seen that ON Page SEO refers to the optimization held on the page. Such as Title Tag, Meta Tag, Heading Tag, Content Optimization, Keyword Optimization, etc. All things fall under ON Page SEO. In ON Page SEO, you need to work only on the page. It is the most important factor to rank higher on SERP.

2. OFF Page SEO

This technique is performed outside the website. In this technique, you need to create backlinks for the page you want to rank in SERP. Activities such as Bookmarking, Directory Submissions, PDF Submissions, PPT Submissions, Infographics Submissions, Image Sharing, Article Submissions, Blog Submissions, Guest Posting, RSS Submissions, etc. All fall under OFF Page SEO.

3. Technical SEO

It is part of ON Page Optimization. Technical SEO is performed to improve all the technical aspects of a website to rank higher in SERP. From website design to improving elements on your website to get higher rankings. Issues like Site Speed, Crawling, Indexing, etc fall under Technical SEO.

Wrap Up

This is all about What is Search Engine Optimization and Types of SEO?. Here we have explained the What is Search Engine Optimization, types of SEO strategies and techniques. I hope you found this blog helpful. Comment below for suggestions.

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